Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Springtime Happenings...

Greetings from the yet to be named farmstead...
Spring has been very busy down here, thus the lull in activity here. This is a hodgepodge posting of just a few happenings, seems I never have the camera available when I'd like it. There's one New Years' resolution out the window! 

So that friendly turtle face is just a passer by I noticed walking by my stone pile that has been waiting for a couple months to be turned into a path. I noticed this girl(?) wedged between two stacks of rocks. Hopefully she wasn't there too long. I think she came up from the big pond across our yard to lay eggs, or eat chickens?...Anyway we released her and found her walking up the driveway a couple days later, this time heading out to our field. We have not seen her since. 

Also encountered, captured, and relocated lately but not pictured (darn it!)  was a five foot black snake, and  a  big possum and raccoon that had been repeatedly climbing up the chicken coop wall and crawling in between the rafters(pushing in hardware cloth put there to keep them out!) and eating the cat food. It took me a while to figure that out, but I was wondering why the cat food dish was empty the mornings after I put it in the cat section of the coop at night when the cats were not even in there sometimes. Luckily they did not get the baby chickens that were right next door and accessible. 

The baby layers have done well. (pictures coming soon) we started out with about 45 and only lost one runt. One got an injured leg, but we managed to nurse her back. After giving and selling some we still have about 25 left.  

The garden has been doing awesome, this is a picture of some general growth a few weeks ago. The tomato plants are now four to five feet tall and with many baby tomatoes and blossoms. If no plague strikes we will have plenty to eat fresh, can, freeze, and share. Same it appears,  for the cukes, cantaloupe, green beans, peppers, and squash. 

This is an average picking of lettuce and arugula over the past few weeks, but now dwindling with warmer weather. 

The radishes were beautiful with no worms or pithiness, but like the lettuce, we planted way more than we could consume. Need to work on that next year. 

I never get the dill to be ready with the pickles! 

We planted a lot of herbs that have done very well so far. Planted this sage, and thyme in the foreground from seeds indoors. Also rosemary, chives, and basil that have done well too. 

For the first time our herb barrel has done well. The secret?- a sunny location and lots of water. 

Speaking of growth Toby is quickly becoming a big dog, and Shalo has really taken to being his primary young caretaker.

The kids are all growing  as well, yes they are all standing! 

And this is my next BIG project, these are just some of the stones,...still waiting for me to make them into a nice walkway from he garage to the house! More pictures of that coming soon!  But Jacob is in no hurry, he finds they make a nice warm perch at the end of the day.